Further listening/reading
Hey all, I hope you enjoyed the first 2 episodes of History of Man.
Episode II is on Bronze Age, “Solid State” warfare, and “Imagined Communities”.— It’s the root of Nietzsche’s slave morality, which affected male psychology all the way up to modern day Nice Guy Syndrome.
It will out by the end of the month.
In the meantime here are some other readings and listenings you may like:
Ruwando Podcast Episodes
The following are episodes from my other podcast that cover the psychological topics discusses in History of Man. You may recognize some of the audio quotes in Ep 0 & I from were pulled from these.
081 LtCol. Dave Grossman
098 Jack Donovan: Way of Men
032 Dr. Charles Ryan: The Virility Paradox
052 Robert Glover: No More Mr. Nice Guy
This is a very incomplete bibliography from the Episodes 0 & I. These are just the books I’d recommend in case you want to read more:
The Hour Between Dog and Wolf by John Coates
On Killing by Dave Grossman
The Virility Paradox by Charles Ryan
A Short History of War by Richard A. Gabriel
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford