Episode I and the Prologue will be released this Thursday.
Here’s a preview of Volume I: A History of Violence, focusing on on how the evolution of warfare drove the evolution of male psychology.
0 (Prologue) The Winner Effect
Testosterone and the Origins of Male Competition
I Sticks and Stones
Prehistoric Violence and the Birth of Warrior Ethos
II Solid State War
Weaponization of Group Identity in the Bronze Age
III With Your Shield or On It
Culture-defining Battles in the Age of Empires
IV Live By the Sword
Personal Glory and Impersonal States
V For God, Not Country:
Monotheism, Chivalry, and the Weaponization of Ideology
VI The Whites of Their Eyes
Maneuver Warfare in the Gunpowder Era
VII In The Trenches
World Wars and Mass Destruction
VIII Hearts and Minds
Guerilla Tactics and PSYOPS
IX Army of None
Impersonal Combat in the Computer Era
Putting this podcast together has taken far more time, reading, and thought than I originally expected. We now have something that I’m proud of and I hope you enjoy it.
Episodes will be published once per month. I may add more to this list as some of these topics will require more than one episode to cover.